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Create and Edit an Ad for Meta

Learn how to use and navigate the Campaign Manager for Social

Nadiia Vivchar avatar
Written by Nadiia Vivchar
Updated over a week ago

Please note that this feature is only available in Creative Studio and won’t be found in Banner Builder (legacy).

With the introduction of Social Campaign Manager now you can not only export your creatives to be used in TikTok but also create an ad containing both parts of the ad and come closer to the always-on way of working.

Here are the steps that need to be done before creating and editing an ad for TikTok:

Given you have created a campaign and the ad group within it in Bannerflow, we can now start editing the ad.

Your campaign will look like this at the beginning:

Click on the name of the ad to enter the editing mode where some required fields need to be filled before we are ready to publish.

👉 Ads will be edited individually. If you need the same ad to be published multiple times and it has a lot of shared fields, you may consider creating one ad and duplicating it.

The ad editing tab consists of previews of the placements that are specified on the ad set level in Meta and the panel on the right with required and optional fields. Depending on the campaign objective you may see different fields.

Currently you can create ads in single image, video, or carousel format in Bannerflow.

Working with a Single Image or Video Ad

Start with the panel on the right. You will be able to customise individual placements later.

  1. Click "Assign creative set", select the set and confirm the creative to be used.

  2. Fill in the required fields in the panel on the right.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Save".

Once you have filled in the required fields and saved the changes, you can now customise individual placements. The choice of customisable fields depends on the placement. You can edit the copy, select a different creative set to pull the imagery from or change the media type.

Working with a Carousel Ad

A carousel ad is an ad format that supports multiple cards with different content in the same ad. This allows you to easily showcase multiple products, highlight different parts of a product, or tell a story with a single ad.

A carousel ad contains some common content that will be used for all cards Language, Primary Text, Call to Action, and two types of URLs, as well as card-specific information.

To edit a card, click on the title to expand the section. You have to assign the creative set and specify a website URL for each card.

Make sure to fill in the required field for each card, minimum - 3, maximum - 10. To add more cards you click the plus sign (1) above the cards. To remove a card you click the trash icon next to the card title (2).

❗️Known limitations:

  • You can create a carousel either from a Campaign Manager module or add it to an existing Social Campaign.

  • Customization of placements is not yet available for carousel ads.

  • Due to a known issue in Meta Ads Manager, you need to disable/enable then enable/disable the ad again in the Ads Manager for it to work properly. You will receive a pop-up reminder about it when publishing the carousel ad.

🌟 You can preview ads with the sound in both ad formats. Click on the sound icon next to the placement to turn it on. The icon appears on hover.

Now your social ad is ready to be published. Read more here on how to publish the ad.

Interested in learning more about using Bannerflow for Social? Reach out to our team via chat or directly to your CSM to schedule a meeting.

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