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Export JPG, PNG, GIF & MP4
Pauline Whale avatar
Written by Pauline Whale
Updated over a week ago

In Creative Studio you can export JPGs, PNGs, GIFs & MP4s of your creatives. In the manage view of your set, hover over the Bannerflow butterfly in the top left corner. Click the hamburger menu and pick "Export" and then whatever format you wish to export. If you haven’t selected specific sizes you will export all the sizes in your set.

You can export a single size by right clicking on the tile.

Once you have clicked “Export files” you will receive a download link through email when it is ready, and images can also sometimes be downloaded directly in your browser.

Export with transparency

In case you want to export your PNG or GIF files with transparency you just need to make sure your canvas is transparent. Just set the background fill to 0% (or other), and your export will end up with the same transparency as you've set in studio.

How to pick what frame to use

First, decide at exactly what time the creative preload image should be captured.  In the design view you can set the preload image either in the properties panel or drag the icon along the timeline to your desired point in time.

This is the frame that will be used for your exported JPGs & PNGs. For GIFs and MP4 see more information below. You can preview the image by clicking the icon in the bottom left corner of the manage view.


For JPGs you can decide what quality you wish to use for the image.



When exporting GIFs, you have the ability to choose how many colours you want to use as well as the option to either limit the frames based on target file size or the number of frames. Once you click export, Bannerflow’s GIF renderer will create a GIF with properties as close as possible to the settings you selected.

If you want to have full control over exactly which frames to be included and for how long each frame should be displayed, you also have the option to 'Set GIF frames'. This is handled within the design view. Simply switch the toggle to enable the GIF frame row in the timeline.

From there, you can now add as many frames as you wish by either using the “+” button to place a new frame on the playhead position or by double clicking on the GIF frames row on the position you want the frame to be placed.

These frames can then be repositioned by drag-n-drop, and by clicking on them you can control their duration and remove them. The duration value controls the time that the specific frame will be displayed for before switching to the next one. Keep in mind that when you set duration values other than the default ones your GIF can become longer or shorter than the original timeline duration.

Once you have manually selected the frames to use you will get a third export option called ”Use manual frames” in the GIF export dialog.

You can also opt out from colour optimisation for GIFs if you want - this will give your exported GIFs more colours. However, it will also most likely increase the weight.

With the setting Set Loop Count you can select if you want the GIF to loop forever or if you want to customise it to play only once or a specific number of times.


For MP4 you can chose to either export at 30 or 60 frames per second depending on how heavy/what quality you want the video to have.

Here you can read about how to set a naming convention using macros for your exported image files.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions!

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