Banner Builder: Advanced Formats
Ludvig Johansson avatar
Written by Ludvig Johansson
Updated over a week ago

Before getting started

Some ad networks use Iframes to serve our banners through. These Iframes will limit the display capabilities of some of our Advanced Formats. Iframes naturally limits the possibility to present content outside of the banners original size and area. Formats keeping thier original size and area (like the Cube & Carousel) is not affected by this and can be used within an Iframe. Please verify that your network serves your banners using JavaScript before starting a campaign containing Advanced Formats. For more information about this please contact your Customer Success Manager or [email protected].

What is advanced formats?

Advanced formats is what we define as banner formats which isn't constantly static where it's placed, in other words, it's a banner which can expand, contract, rotate, slide within it's space or anything else you can imagine. This is quite often by others referred to as Rich media formats, and is indeed pretty much the same. Our advanced formats allows any users to create for example carousel and 3D cubes.

Cube banner example:

How does it work?

All advanced formats consist of at least 2 banners which can be any banner you already have created or any new banners you create specifically for your advanced format banner. There are not any exact guidelines to follow when it comes to this but expandable banners requires 2 banners and it's recommended to utilize 4 banners at a time for the 3D cube. As always, all banners are editable so you may change the content of the banners or even change banners the advanced format actually uses on the go.

Getting started

Here's how to create the sample above

Setting up the format

1. Start off by creating a banner set if you don't already have one which you want to use for advanced formats.

2. Go ahead and create the banners you wish to use in your advanced format. Create as many "slides" you wish to your cube to have, it's typically recommended to keep it to 4 slides to get the best results. Note that you may change, add new or replace banners afterwards so you won't be obligated to use the ones you create right now.

3. Now that we've got all cube "slides" created, go ahead and click on Add new banner once again. Rather than adding a new standard banner, click on Advanced formats instead.

4. Select what advanced format you wish to use. Cube is used for this case.

5. There are two sections of each advanced formats. The middle section is where which banners are in use for the format and the right panel is where you set a row of settings for how the advanced format should act and work.

6. Click on one of the "Sides" to select which banner should be rendered on the specific side.

7. Select which banner that should be used for the selected side or create a new banner if needed(doing so will open the banner builder). Then click "Use banner".

8. Repeat this procedure for each side until you have as many sides as you want included.

9. You can at any time preview the format simply by clicking on the Preview button.

Configuring settings

Each advanced format comes with it's own set of settings that allows you to tweak the animation time, easings, delays etc. to give it the look and feel you wish for.

Available settings for the cube


  • Name - Works the same as the banner name specified in the banner builder

  • Shadows - Shades the sides which aren't in focus to grant more sense of depth

  • Swipe text - The text shown before a swipe is initiated


  • Duration - How long the automatic rotation will last

  • Easing - The easing for the animation

Automatic rotation

  • Automatic rotation - If the cube should rotate automatically

  • Direction - Which direction the cube automatically should rotate

  • Delay - The delay between the automatic rotations

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